Friday, April 30, 2010

Contemporary Art in Society

Yesterday I found myself in my lovely art class- one which I didn't realize I was in until the first day. Regardless its a really cool class with an amazing teacher- John Borba- and its rarely a dull moment because he knows how to entertain.

But I digress, the class all filed in everyone too their seat and I pulled out my laptop out of habit. Then when the teacher went to use the computer BAM broken... No internet meant no lesson... Low and behold my MacBook Pro was internet capable and saved the day! So as I went about pulling up all the information he needed. I think that is another MAJOR SCORE for my Mac vs. PC score board ey?

So after the technical work was done the class moved outside to the wonderful parameter of Downtown New York City. We headed towards the Elevated acre a park two stories above ground level and I must say it was Beautiful. The plants were perfectly positioned and if you subtracted the other classmates it was absolutely amazing. Very quiet and a perfect place to write. I'm thinking of heading back there on tuesday in hopes to get the rushed draft of my second story underway.

On that note, I gave my english Professor my first story today all 15 pages of it. She just looked at me like I was insane... I don't think I am. The reason I gave it to her was because the week before she saw me correcting it and made a comment that she'd love to see the finished one. GO figure she thought I was writing it for some other class and not for fun. Her face was amazing, she was stunned to see a student who writes for fun. She told me she'd be glad to correct it when she gets the chance and that she looks forward to reading it.

Honestly, I look forward to some harsh criticism though I don't think she will be too hard on it. I want someone to tell me the character is underdeveloped or something, but alas most people don't want to hurt my feelings.

Today's random piece of unrelated information comes from The Sword of truth- Wizard rule #5: "Watch what people do not what they say because their deeds will betray their lies."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Business Law 1 and a new story

Hello guys, today I'm in a fairly upbeat mood so I figured I'd give a little insight in my Business Law 1 class since I realize I've yet to mention it.

To start Richard Leverson is the only teacher I have had a second time, and I must say he is quite a character. Odd way to describe him I guess but nonetheless, he's the professor who makes the most random of scenarios to help the class understand the subject. Although he is long winded at times and take 4 or 5 examples to explain something that everyone should have gotten at the first one. Regardless, I enjoy his class...

Originally I had him in Law and Society and in that class I used to inquire on the oddest topics his response was always- "See me after class". I always did. I remember spending hours after class talking about History, politics, laws, and on occasion an old movie I had never heard of. He is by far one of the most dedicated teachers because he truly does want his students to learn, not just get a good grade.

Topic switch time! So, I am proud to say I have started my second story *victory dance*! Yes, well I would say what it's about but I don't want to jinx the topic too much. It will be the second part of the overall book I one day hope to publish called The Asylum. So when you guys see that book in Barnes and Nobel you better pick it up!

In truth I'm just happy I'm writing again, going to college has actually encouraged me to. I don't have to write any of this for school, but I'm choosing to because I enjoy it. I also am sending my first story around for editing. The first person I sent it to was Dr. Schrynmaker, my english professor from last semester. When I get a response form her I'll make sure to post it.

For today's wise words from Jessica: Human are creatures of habit and chaos... we enjoy problems if they didn't occur we'd create our own.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Childhood dreams

Entering college was always one of those things I looked forward to when I was a child. I remember me and my best friend sleeping over each others house talking about how we would go to the same college and be roommates. But that never happened, we went our separate ways and life continued on. I was never one to dwell on the past but today I found myself doing just that.

So I went to Girl Scouts today, where I lead my troop in a long list of acting activities, and everything went smoothly. However, Amanda(my BFF from Elementary to Freshman year of High School) came by and with her she had bubbles. It must have been an odd sight for any bystanders as we created bubbles (the ones she brought spilled) from hand soap and water and then proceed like squealing children to blow bubbles at the other. It was fun. In the end we were outside of the school continuing our antics like we were five again, I felt like I was five again. No teenage drama, no adulthood problems; it was a beautiful day.

The day continued as she came over to pick up girl scout cookies and I coaxed her into playing a little rockband where I made a fool out of myself with my atrocious singing. After many laughs and a few snickering puns thrown at my brother- he could sing paramore perfectly we left.

Her Grandmother's house was our newest destination as we walked talking about old childhood memories and about what had happened in the 4 years we had spent apart. She was my best friend and even after being apart for so long I still feel an odd friendship that can never quite be broken with her.

As we reached her house we sat and ate dinner poking fun at each other and bring up odd animals like a platypus and how awesome it was. Honestly I'm amazed at how I was still able to keep such a childhood conversation alive- normally I'd have retorted with a sarcastic remark and had been done with it. We flicked markers at each other, played bubbles, and even played 'bop it'. However, the real aspect of this blog happened just before I left.

Prom, when we were younger we decided we'd crash each others and go together as Best Friends. But as time went by we went our separate ways and we never did get to do that. However I was asked by someone a year younger than me to attend prom with him as a friend. I agreed, but now I think that childhood dream might just come true. Amanda and I have decided to crash prom together to appease the child we were and always will be.

The point of this winded blog is that no matter what those stupid childhood dreams, and those old best friends always stay with you. I really hope this works, because if it does then it means that dreams really do come true, even if its only sometimes. Somehow I think its almost perfect that I went to Berkeley college, and I have the schedule I do now, because if not I would have been in class today.

Wise words of the day are: Dreams do come true, just not in the way you foresee them to.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Youtube, and a nation of idiocracy

To start off, I love youtube. Its a very useful and entertaining site where you can find videos of a large array and connect with people via video relations from all over the world. However, I hate how much useless information and stupid videos clog up such an amazing sight. By all means I am not saying youtube should limit those who submit videos because... well I'm an American and I love my freedom of speech... but someone should limit the tags they use.

Youtube should compile sections where technology related videos, and childish rendition of technology are separated, because simply allowing people to click 'technology' means as a user I get hit with loads of kids doing stupid videos because someone decided 'hey lets give Jimmy a camera'. Ok, I realize that was a tad mean... But it's so irksome when I somehow wind up seeing a video, in the technology section, about kid doing God know what with a phone...Somehow my entire economics class wound up watching this because the teacher couldn't find the right video.

The only thing worse than these dreadfully off topic videos I have to scan through in order to find that tidbit of useful information is... idiots. Again, that seems a bit harsh. It's just that I can not stand dealing with a person who starts a conversation about how "Awesome the healthcare plan is" and when I retort "Not really" they call me a racist. Personally, the fact that everyone assumes by disagreeing with Obama you are a racist, is in itself fueling racism. I don't like the health care because I think its a bad idea because it requires a dramatic cut in the military funds... someone needs to be America! I'll explain the healthcare issue at a later date though...

As I was saying, people who talk about things they don't know are the 'idiots' that I trully despies. If you don't know what a topic is about then don't talk about it, or just admit and ask. chances are by learning you can formulate your own opinion.

And for todays words of Jessica: Genius is not knowing, learning, and then formulating your own opinion; not simply knowing and stating.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love writing but...

I pride myself on my ability to write an amazing essay, research paper, or whatever an english assignment may be. However as of recent I decide to divulge myself into writing a short story for fun. Although it may seem rather strange, writing for no reason and all, it seemed sensible to me. After all, I like writing, I'm bored, and TV shows just aren't very amusing any more. So I decide to write a story after I was inspired by an assignment I had a semester ago.

The assignment was to write a narrative essay describing my personal Utopia, and link with it the importance of imagination. When I first attempted this assignment it was bloody. I attempted to write it numerous times, but each time it came out to flowery and unreal. Below is an excerpt:
The water glows faintly in comparison with the shrubbery and exotic plants encasing the area. Alluring flowers of entrancing purples and luminescent reds demand my attention as I walk into the area. Touching the petals I look at my hand almost expecting to see wet paint due to the vibrancy of the petals, but I see none. Placing the petals between my fingers I feel a silk-like texture between them. Daringly I lean towards the flower and inhale slightly. With my eyes closed I let the scent fill my nostrils, oddly enough it reminds me of freshly baked cookies, and cupcakes.

Its not bad, but I felt like it was completely and totally fake. Truth is when I close my eyes I don't see any of this, rather I see destruction and adventure. Sad fact is that no matter how often I attempted to write this and make it seem more me like, it failed. It was only when my brother turned to me and said "write what you actually see did I decide to scrap the flowery work and go for an odd take on a Utopia.

So the night before this essay was due I was up all night writing about a boy on a train who enjoys destruction, and looses his grasp on reality. I got an A on that paper, though I received A's on every paper, I was proud. I fell in love with the concept of the story and began editing and now as I look back at it I realize what my 3 page essay has become... a 13 paged short story with over 4000 words. I'm still editing though, but the concept is still there.

However, as I reach the ending point of this story I ponder: What will I write next? I have plenty of ideas, but no solid concept, no plot just floating ideas... As much as I love writing I truly do hate when I can't fully process what it is I want to write.

For today's random bit of insight: No matter how much you enjoy something, the second you are forced to do it, you'll love it just a little less.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Career Fair

Checking the clock for the tenth time I slammed my head back down onto the pillow. It was 5:27, and I swore to myself I wouldn't dare get up before 5:30, but I was restless and no matter how hard I tried to lull myself back to a temporary sleep I could not. I was jittery, nervous, and excited for todays events- but I knew I would also be quite tired because of my restless night.

With a sigh I resolved the issue and left the warmth and comfort of my bed for my usual morning routine. But my outfit was different, and my make-up more tame, and no matter whether you knew the situation of not their was an odd sort of tenseness in the air. With the final touch of a slightly pink lipstick and smoothing down any loose hairs I examined myself; how very corporate I did seem.
When I was a child I had decided I wanted to be a lawyer. When I was an adolescentI decided I'd be a lawyer in jeans and a graphic T-shirt, and as I entered the brooding teenage angst stage I decide that heavy eyeliner was a must. Yet here I stood in front of a mirror hair pulled back in a respectable bun, in a pants suit- jacket and all, and with tame and classic make-up. When did I grow up? With shaky breath I tried not to think too much on it, I wanted to focus on what today was.

I got my papers together and organized them in a small laptop bag along with pens and other such necessities. Slipping on a pair of classic black high heels I grabbed my bag and left. Today was the day of the career fair, and I decided I should go.

Hope you guys enjoyed my over-dramatization of this morning events! But I must say I was very scared when I walked in there; seeing as, yet again, I knew no one, and everyone was either a senior or an alumni. But, low and behold I survived and who knows I might be have a new job soon- or at least an internship. I'd talk about it but I really don't want to jinx it.

For all those who read this and have been given the chance to go, just go! It's scary at first but just take a deep breathe and jump right into it! For those of you who have already missed one, well don't worry Berkeley College does numerous ones each year, and they always have different companies there. However, I do think they were a bit more useful for junior, seniors, and alumni.

The unrelated words of knowledge of today are *drum roll*: Sometimes it is best to runaway from your problems, because only then can you turn around and see the full picture.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A long day of Classes

Hello avid readers of my blog!

So my day was quite interesting today and raged from conversations about computers, to being applauded for my writing, then to how Pornography actually lowers sexual crime rate. Hmm, where to begin...

Economics started off as any other early morning class would- me attempting wake up and perhaps attempt this thing called socializing... WHICH I DID! I know, some might say you shouldn't socialize in class, but I call it good networking. But I digress, once the teacher walked in and class was in full swing he turned to us again, and asked "What's in today's news?" I was prepared this time to shock them all. My hand shot up and smugly I said, "Well, since someone made a comment on how crime has increased I decided to prove them wrong... With the increase in HardCore Pornography a study was done on the likelihood that pornography lead to more sex crimes... It decreases crime." Oh how the words and questions began to fly, somehow Hooters came up because another company is being sued (Abercrombie and Fitch I believe) because they refused to higher muslims- and hooters was sued because they wouldn't higher fat chicks. All in all, it was a very amusing class. Then at the end of it I somehow found myself in an Apple Computers argument where I praised the company- Steve Jobs is a genius!

The next rather interesting class was English where we were discussing compare and contrast essays. The class went rather smooth up until she asked us to start writing our essay. To start, I pride myself on my ability to write and although it may not be clear within this blog I am a very good writer. So as the class began to read their words I scoffed at them being the pompous girl I am. However when it was my turn to read I smiled sweetly and read. As I finished the teacher put her book down and began clapping. That was a major boost in my already inflated ego. However it was short lived as the person directly behind me read his, it was a bit too brooding, and ever too personal... But it was very good. From this I've learned a sad realization, no matter how good I think I am, there might be someone better, and that's why I should strive to be better no matter what.

  • And, for today I leave you with these unrelated words of wisdom:
  • We as humans are chaotic by nature and create our own problems, for Utopia would put any inquisitive mind in a catatonic state. Perhaps simple serenity is not enough, without destruction, death, and a good dose of anarchy...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First day Jitters

Today was my first day of the new semester, and no matter how often I enter a new classroom with new faces... it never gets any less... 'new' feeling. Although that sounds like a dreadful way to describe the emotions the first day of each quarter evokes, I find it is also the most true. That whole anxious feeling; nervousness, happy, excited, scared, and all the while trying to keep a cool composure so no one realizes how awkward the first day of classes really are. No matter how many classes I'll enter over my lifetime I don't think that feeling will ever fade... nor do I want it to!

Its an odd set of feelings you get when you enter a room where you know no one, but it also allows for so much growth in you as a student. Not to mention at the end of each class their is that sort of triumphant feel- an overcoming of an unknown. Well, enough philosophy lets get down to the nitty gritty...

Today's most eventful class would have to be Microeconomics with Professor Ayiku.
When I first walked into this class and took my seat I looked around. Unsurprisingly I knew no one(its my first year after all), quietly I sat with my laptop open double checking to make sure I was in the right room, and that the class started at the right time. Then, 5 minutes later in walks a man smiling- the professor.

Setting his brief case down he turns to the class "What happened in the news?". One by one each student raises a hand shyly shooting off a topic and explaining its importance. I listen rather half-heartedly at first since I knew what went on in 'the news' and had made my own assumptions on its importance, that is until he commented on a concept I find hard not to argue on. He said that terrorist bombers trying to hurt innocent people was simply 'Evil'
and "stupid". WIthout hesitation my hand shot up.

"Their is nothing simple about the concept of 'evil' because evil is simply in the eyes of the media, and the reactant parties. 'Evil' to us Americans is not 'evil' to those doing the acts. I do not justify nor condone such heinous acts, but I realize that the doer did not believe they were in the wrong. The beauty of being human is the ability to justify and rationalize..." Oh how the comments did begin to fly. This is why I love Berkeley college because I feel that although relevance might be only slight such conversations can be held with other educated people giving educated answers. Believe it or not the professor even managed to reconnect the entire discussion back to economics. After all, such terrorists chose to attempt to commit suicide because they valued their extremist positions over their own lives.

Again, I am not saying they are not demented, but scarcity (a person only has one life) causes a person to make certain decisions.

Until tomorrow I leave you with this: No one thinks they are evil, everybody justifies themselves and their innocence. Evil is a perspective given by the media.

-Jessica Schwartz