Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 2 Ethics and Business Law II

So, just like on last Tuesday I find myself in the midtown manhattan library writing to you guys about how my day has been so far. To start I suppose I should talk about Business Law II and Ethics which I had also yesterday but I didn't mention.

Nothing significant happened in Business Law II because the professor hadn't posted the syllabus yet and just generalized what the class would be about. However, I do find that he seems like a funny guy and that I think he'll make this class a very interesting one. One of the things he asked when he started the class off was if the stand fell on him and broke his nose could he sue. The answer was no because he is an employer for Berkeley college and would receive workers compensation instead.

Ethics was slightly more involving because the professor ignited my argumentative side and caused me to inquire on how he can personally claim that humans are good by nature. He claimed that as children we have an innate sense of fair and unfair and because of that we are good by nature but occasionally flawed. My rebuttal was simply a child only cares when they themselves are the one being treated unfairly. If they are the favored child then they wouldn't complain. It is because of this, that my conclusion is humans by nature are governed by self interest.

As for my second day of Principals of Finance it started of pretty bad but ended pretty good. I was late for the class at first because of the horrible rain and slow train service and got the glare of death from the professor when I walked in. However once I opened up my laptop and organized all my things the professor called on me to answer a series of questions. Luckily for me being the nerd I am I had done the assignments 2 in advance so I knew everything he was talking about even though I hadn't heard the previous discussion.

After proving my knowledge to the professor class continues up until break where I had a slight conversation with another student- his name eludes me. He was a senior in Berkeley and asked if he could check the questions he had for the first assignment with mine because he used the book in the school library. I obliged and showed him the questions which were the correct ones he was suppose to do. In the end we had a brief conversation on the price of textbooks and I offered to send him the correct question for the first two assignments so he would be able to do his homework while he waited for the next textbook.

Words of the wise: Make friends with people who you may need in the future its called networking.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day one of class!

Hey guys, so I'm on my 2 hour break right now after just finishing my first class of Principals of Finance. The class seems pretty good and I was on time luckily because he seems to be a real stickler on arriving on time. The professors name is Elliot Ponchick and overall he seems like a rather interesting guy. I don't have much of an opinion on this class just yet because it was the first day but I'm sure I'll do just fine in it.

Sadly I HAD to buy the textbook. I bought the ebook of for $114; my bank account is in pain right now. All of his homeworks are directly taken from the text and require you to have done the reading beforehand. I really like the fact that he posts all the homework beforehand because being the nerd that I am I'll try and complete them all within the next week or so. After all, I really like my perfect average.

So as I stated before I have a wonderful 2 hour break which I'm on right now. Since I am in the midtown campus this semester I decided to return to my favorite place near the school- the manhattan midtown library.

The library is right around the corner of the 'B' building and offers a quite place to read, go online, or do work. Before college I was never a fan of libraries but ever since I stumbled into this library I find this place very relaxing. I suppose I'll start that mesh of work for finance now though.

Words of Advice: Being ahead may not be the best thing but doing homework ahead is always a benefit .

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So, textbooks... I hate them! honestly I find that I've bought countless textbooks for stuff I could have just looked up online numerous times and I must say it is very upsetting. this semester I won't be buying my textbooks until I absolutely need them because shelling out $200 for a pointless book I'll never use just seems like such a waste.

I find it so upsetting that companies overprice these books because they know college students are forced to pay the outrageous prices. Normally I'll buy e-books which should be significantly cheeper since they have no material cost but their only $20 cheaper than the hardcover counterparts.

The benefits for e-books over textbooks are the following: 1) No back problems by lugging them around, and 2) easy searching.

I hate the thought of buying more textbooks so I'll wait until last minute aka when a homework is assigned. Words of advice: Last minute might be a good thing....

Statistics is a no go...

So, remember how I talked about taking an online course and what not. Well, they finally posted up the basic information about what I'll be needing for the class and what not. So I check the required Textbook and see that theirs also a software we must buy with the textbook and in big bold letters the teacher writes "NOT COMPATIBLE WITH APPLE".

You must be friggin kidding me. I have been running Apple computers since my childhood I remember the imac g3 and its big bulky backing and pretty blue see-though windows, I remember the powermac laptops, and my first laptop the g4 macbook. All of the technology in my home tends to be decorated in a little apple logo and even these very words I type are written on my beloved macbook pro. So for someone to tell me that a program simply wont work with my computer but still require me to take the class I'm a -tad- upset.

Obviously the teacher wasn't the most computer literate and she meant that it doesn't run on Apple operating systems- the beloved OS. So the simple way of going around this is to use bootcamp (a free apple program), and run windows on my computer. Sadly I've sworn to never run such a horrible operating system on my beloved computer-- Its just not cool...

Words of advice: Find out the required computer before enrolling in a class...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New semester so soon!

So, in a whopping 12 days the fall semester will be starting and I'll be balancing school, a job, hanging with friends, and of course, this blog. Think I can do it? Although some of you may say no, I think I can do it since I'm awesome and all >.>. Though I will admit their were times where instead of paying attention I'd be writing a blog on how the teacher was being nonsensical. Then there were times where I'd be working at 1AM and the store would be empty- I brought my law book and would be catching up on reading. As for socializing >.> I still am a bit of an anti social within the college.

BUT, I have faith that with the start of this new semester I will become better at my time management and manage to do everything in a timely manner. It be a lie to say I didn't scoff as I wrote those very words. I mean, I'm a procrastinator those sort of habits don't just die over night. Plus, some of my best work comes out of staying up until 5AM with a Redbull at hand and music blasting. However, I will try my very best to be a good student something that my grades reflect. Now that I think about it I'm amazed that I made it through my first year with a near perfect average of 3.919.

Alas my standards are set high as I will attempt straight A's this semester in order to boost my average just a bit more. Fellow students with me luck on my endeavors.

Words of advice: Always aim for the impossible that way when you don't reach your goal you wont be disappointed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dave and Busters in NYC ^.^

To those of you who have never been to Dave and Buster's I must say that it is a necessity that you visit especially the one in Manhattan on 42nd street and broadway. Dave and Busters is every adult gammers dream and is basically an adult Chuck E Cheese where there is great food and tons of games. From shooting games like Rambo and Time Crisis, to the classic DDR machines, to big spin-y wheels where you win lots of tickets. Its just a whole mess of fun for everyone!

Well, today I went to Dave and Busters for my fourth of fifth time and like every other experience I had an amazing day. The reason I bring all of this wonderfulness of Dave and busters up is because Berkeley College does a Dave and Busters day and I'll be attending when next they do it. Last year they did it in the 42nd street one and charger $5 for entry and you got a $10 game card. There was all supposedly a bunch of food and it was all quite fun.

Sadly, I didn't go being too meek of a freshman and what not. However, I IMPLORE YOU all Berkeley College students should attend this event it just seems like a lot of fun and you can even bring out of school guests too!

To throw in randomly, Dave and Buster's also has a GIANT crane machine too-- I have two huge dolphins from it.

Words of advice: If you're afraid of the dar just close your eyes and run.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is more less?

I know this is probably a very hard to discuss topic but I need to know... Is more sometimes less? I know, confusing way to word things but I can't think of a better way to word it. The reason I ask this is because at work I was written up for my outfit which was a red shirt, black leggings, and red shorts over the black leggings. Yes, the shorts were VERY short, but I was wearing leggings so what did it matter? That was my logic, I was in fact wearing more clothing than required because I have worn just leggings and a shirt before and received no 'write up'. Apparently someone (an annoying coworker) has complained that I was wearing short shorts which was against dress code. Mind you that this coworker had worn leggings numerous times.

To make a long story short because I wore the shorts I was pulling more attention to my rather voluptuous behind. I understand this, but why is it that wearing more clothing counts as wearing less at times? I mean under this same principal leggings should be like walking around pants-less.

I suppose I need the 'male' point of view on this so please comment. Also, all fashion majors please explain the concept of accessorizing adding 'less' to an outfit.

Words of the wise: Red shorts are a nono at work >.>

Friday, September 3, 2010

What I want to do...

Hey guys, I realized I never really touched on what I wish to do with my life and although I am an accounting major this defines very little about what I wish to do.

As some of you may have guessed I am very passionate about writing and take pleasure in simple storytelling and overdramatizing daily activities. I love writing, yet I will never do it as a career because I find being forced to write will destroy all the emotion I have towards it. My father is a photographer and I never see him take pictures for simple pleasure anymore, and although he loves his job it is still a job meaning he is forced to compromise his views often. From this I have learned that perhaps you shouldn't work as what you love because you risk loving it.

However, I do not plan on having my miraculous articulation skills go to waste in some dead end job. I want to be a lawyer who will argue her way through the legal system pursuing the masses to see her side. I've always enjoyed arguing and turning words against people and I am always told I have a natural ability to argue and win against foes, so being a lwayer just seems to be the logical decision.

I do plan to write while I am a lawyer, though. In my fantasy world where everything goes according to plan I'll publish a book or two while I work as a lawyer and never become rich off of it, but one day someone would do a report on one of my books. However, this is in my fantasy world...

Words of the wise: Dream big, and live trying.