Sunday, June 20, 2010


So, I had a rather eventful weekend today. In truth, I felt like I was apart of a bad horror novel where a creepy stalker was hacking into every crevice I've ever made on the internet and feeding me my own information back. In truth, I wouldn't be surprised if said hacker is reading this- I partially hope s\he is. Where to begin...

I was walking home from a long tiring day of work, and being the obsessive email checker I am instinctively whipped out my beloved iphone to check if I had any new emails. As always my yahoo account was littered in junk mail which I began to vigorously delete, and when that was all done I switched to my gmail account where I had a scarce two messages all from the same email.

A foreign email address corrected one of my school pieces, a rather bad Art in Contemporary Society assignment, which I had produced a day earlier. Instinctively I wrote it off as being one of my teacher, he seemed to be the type that would offer such a correction, and in my tired daze I couldn't care much on it. However, as seconds ticked by something inside my mind clicked as a sickening case of paranoia began to attack me. I never gave in that assignment, I had only emailed it to myself.

Insanity is a sickening thing because the lines of reality become blurred in the worst of ways. I realize that now after everything is 'resolved' how overdramatic I tend to be, but I believed that perhaps I was being hacked by someone who knew me best. With a list of ex- boyfriends who would perhaps take pleasure in my pain I realized I deemed none of them clever enough for such an act. The beauty of the mind is how well it works under such extraordinary circumstances. In the midst of this, situation, I felt like I was in a bad novel, dare I say I owe this hacker thanks for inspiring me to write my second story?

Oh digression why must you attack me even now...

*is focusing* To make a long story simple short and sweet...

- Person hacks emails.
- Person posts an old description of me.
- Jessica gets freaked out.
- Jessica changes passwords.
- Jessica rants to friend, somehow gets idea for trashy overplayed novel.
- Jessica decides to undertake an elongated psychology project that will take years to complete.
- Person changes email passwords again.
- Person apologies and calls a sick truce.
- Jessica is irked and wants answers
- Jessica writes this blog.
- Jessica takes an odd pleasure in referring to herself as Jessica, and in this simplified timeline.
...(Might Continue)

Well boys and girls, if you're a hacker... I don't like you very much. If you're THE hacker who put me through all of this... Why? If you're reading this and like candy... so do I! If you wonder what I'm thinking as I write these words, I'm thinking 'I want a puppy'.

Words of the irritated 19 year old blonde who hates hackers: I am the protagonist in my own story, and you the antagonist who pushes me. We'll all see ourselves having gone through change and perceive ourselves in a new light. However, the others will all remain the bad influences that pushed us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 11

So we've reached the end of the 11th week, meaning one more week to go before its all finally over. However, in class my mind was on like never before as I felt like interjecting constantly within my art class.

Spirals, the professor said, have been drawn for ages by people who never interacted. Yet their symbols were all the same. He took this as an inclination that dreams symbols were all similar regardless of the physical connection, that as humans certain signs cross through generations, and traditions.

Sharply I bite my tongue. Perhaps they were stirring water and that is the pattern they saw. Or, if we must get into similarities of cultures, genetically humans are near the same regardless of race. Perhaps humans aren't as original as we'd like to think and people have the same ideas as us hundreds of miles away. I know, crazy thought right?

Ok, I'll tone down on the sarcasm now...

So outside of that lovely bitter thought class went smoothly, and as I write these very words I sit in my English class waiting for class to begin.

I haven't the fondest notion what we're supposed to do today, but when she gave me my 'told tell heart' assignment she told me I should save it and get it published. Funny how even my humourous work is good. I really do hope I can one day become a published writer, and not self published either. I want to be the female Dean Kootz of my generation, but I also want to be a lawyer...

Well, you now all know a little about my inner most aspirations, so I'll leave you with these words of the wise 19 year old. "Over-analyzation will be humanity's demise, and a humorous one at that."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The greatest English Assignment

So, I had an excused absence a couple of days ago in English and in return for not being penalized for my absence opted to do an extra assignment. This is by far my favorite assignment of all times simply because it was on The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe. This is one of my favorite short stories of all time and reading it alone sends me into a fit of over-dramtized acting. So when I was told to simply write something using this amazing piece of literature I was ecstatic. Originally it was implied that I would simply write a review-- but that is too simplistic for might style of writing. So I sat on my computer thinking and thinking...

Then it came to me, I got an idea to copy Poe's style of writing in the short story but instead make it from the old man's point of view. It was amazing! I must say it was by far the most entertaining piece I have written in some time. But I must stress it needs to be read in a sort of mania in order to understand the brilliance behind it. Only fair that I show it to you guys I suppose...
The Told Tale Heart

It was a dastardly day when Death chose to take me.

Its cold shaken hands choked the air from my lungs.

Silently, so silently, yes silently, did my death come.

Such kindness did the lad show me,

I was just an old crippled man,

With a dizzy blue eye, my world was in a haze.

But I knew, yes I knew, I knew what was at hand.

He came to me every morning- cheer strained his voice.

He’d greeted me full heartedly, a smile woven and forced.

“Good Morning” His voice would echo throughout the room.

Cautiously, so cautiously, yes cautiously did I trust this fool.

Ever night I laid silent, afraid to make a sound.

Every noise I heard every night made my heart beat pound.

I felt every wind, every dust particle, everything.

Everything, yes everything, oh how everything scared me.

As the nights strung by, sleep was restless.

As the clocks hand ticked, my heartbeat persisted.

Tic Tic Tic, was it all in my dreams?

Tic Tic Tic I knew not what I had seen.

Fearsome, so fearsome, yes fearsome did I lay.

Day after, day after, day after day…

Then the door creaked, I knew I heard a noise

“Who’s there?” I had shouted unaware of the boy.

He stood there smiling, wickedly.

And with a Cheshire smile launched himself at me

One fatal scream was all that escaped my lips.

Then I was smothered to death by the like of him.

Silently, so silently, yes silently did my body lay.

But not quietly, no not quietly, loudly did my heart pray

Tic tic tic was all the boy heard

Tic tic tic was my revenge in full

Tic tic tic no words were said

Tic tic tic…

I then read it out loud to the class, the results were amazing... the teacher simply looked at me dumbfounded... and through this all I begin to wonder Where is the shy girl who entered college?

I know I forgot the 'words of the wise 19 year old girl' in the last blog but I'm sure you'll forgive me. For today I leave you with simple words "if you don't risk anything, you risk even more"

Presentation is done!

So,finally did that Apple presentation and I must say I most definitely secured my A. I burned through a 10 slide powerpoint to start things up, and spoke ever so wisely on the company I've known so well, and just when I can hear my teacher's questionable glare (Yes, I can hear him glare... I'm that skilled), I turn around and say "Let the real presentation begin."

I ask for a volunteer from the audience and sadly no one is willing to come up. Everyone was too shy or lazy but after a bit of coaxing I finally got one girl up and ready to participate. Then, with a sinister smile I open photobooth and ask her to smile into the camera.

You should have seen her face when I asked her to choose her effect. It was hilarious. The one on the right is a glow effect, and the one on the left is the mirror images.

After I had her take numerous photos I opened up imovies and showed them how simplistic it was to create a simple movie. I called the entire movie "Jessica gets an A!!" which sent the glass into a m ild fit of laughter. I concluded the project with playing the short movie I created and called it done. I am proud to say I was applauded, and also inquired on the other features of a mac.

In truth I thought everyone would know about photobooth but apparently I take my apple knowledge for granted. When the class ended my professor simply told me I did an amazing job with my presentation... I would have to agree!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Computer Troubles?

So yesterday was the day I was supposed to present my lovely Apple presentation to the class... did not go well. To start, I designed the project originally the night before because I am a world class procrastinator, and a horrible student at that. I guess what I'm saying is, my lack of preparation was problem one in this story.

But I digress, my project was by all means adequate, and consisted of pretty little slides, and useful bits of information. Something however, was missing. Although this may seem dreadfully odd, the Jessica factor was missing. For the few of you who know me, you'd know that if ever I am excited about giving a presentation you should be afraid. I was never a fan of the classic powerpoint approach, I'd much rather get the entire class involved giving them new insight to put into play- and also assure a perfect grade.

Once in a Psychology class in High school I brought in 20 stuffed animals and asked everyone to choose the one they thought was prettiest. Questionably they begin to murmur their favorites as I concluded with- "Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but the beholders' eyes are all watching the same media." It was an amazing report if I do say so. But I've gone off topic now haven't I?

While sitting in the classroom, right before the start of class a stroke of genius hit me- photobooth. Now, that might sound odd to any non-mac user, and probably still sounds odd to those that know what photobooth is. Well, to start photobooth is a program on Mac's that uses the built in web cam to take pictures. It has many different effects such as squeezing in the head and what not. So, what would this lovely program do in a powerpoint? Absolutely nothing.

Yes, I could but funny pictures of people distorted in the slides for a good laugh, but I had a much better idea. Grabbing a VGA to mini Displayport wire I decided to connect my laptop directly to the projector and present from there. I also figured why not ask for an audience member to make a fool of themselves whilst the presentation occurs.

In short I decided to do a demo of photobooth and imovies instead of the classic powerpoint. sadly that wire I bought... I had no idea where to disconnect the vga wire. When I did find out it was too late... Lesson is, be prepared beforehand...

Words of the wise 19 year old: They were already included in the text actually.... "Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but the beholders' eyes are all watching the same media."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Grades are in

Well guys my economics grades for the midterm and report came in. I was rather fearsome when it came to checking them because he gave a long speech on how not many followed instructions and that the size of the report need not have been bigger then 5 pages- I did 23.

All my fearsome thoughts were unjustified I suppose because I followed the outline topic by topic and included ever bit of information down to a T. Its a good thing I didn't get point off for being to in-depth I suppose- my history for Apple Inc. alone was 3 pages. So wanna know what I got!?!


Yup, I got a 100 on the project, I was ecstatic to see that grade because I really would love an A in this course. Although I didn't start on the best foot in this class, arguing with the teacher and all, I think I have definitely redeemed myself in a positive light.

As for the midterm grade, I'm proud to say I scored a perfect 100 on that too. Now all I have to worry about is my presentation which is the June 8th. Wish me luck guys, I haven't even started creating it yet.

I know this is dreadfully short, but I just wanted to inform you on my grades- must run to Business law I now.

Words of the 19 year old wise girl: It takes a genius to realize its more fun to act like a fool.