So,finally did that Apple presentation and I must say I most definitely secured my A. I burned through a 10 slide powerpoint to start things up, and spoke ever so wisely on the company I've known so well, and just when I can hear my teacher's questionable glare (Yes, I can hear him glare... I'm that skilled), I turn around and say "Let the real presentation begin."
I ask for a volunteer from the audience and sadly no one is willing to come up. Everyone was too shy or lazy but after a bit of coaxing I finally got one girl up and ready to participate. Then, with a sinister smile I open photobooth and ask her to smile into the camera.
You should have seen her face when I asked her to choose her effect. It was hilarious. The one on the right is a glow effect, and the one on the left is the mirror images.
After I had her take numerous photos I opened up imovies and showed them how simplistic it was to create a simple movie. I called the entire movie "Jessica gets an A!!" which sent the glass into a m ild fit of laughter. I concluded the project with playing the short movie I created and called it done. I am proud to say I was applauded, and also inquired on the other features of a mac.
In truth I thought everyone would know about photobooth but apparently I take my apple knowledge for granted. When the class ended my professor simply told me I did an amazing job with my presentation... I would have to agree!
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