Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sick *sad face* and email accounts

Hey guys, today I'm writing to you from the comfort of my own room. For today is the day I admit... I have a bad cold. I've emailed my Professors of my lovely cold and am now taking refuge under about 20 blankets in order to keep myself warm.

My cat says hi! Shes walking on my computer as we speak... lovely little kitten devil...

As I was saying before, being sick has one benefit, it gives me a reason to talk about the email system in berkeley college. As you all know you are given an email account when you first register at the school. This email account is how they contact you, your professors will notify you, and how everyone pretty much communicates. My email is even hooked up to this blogging account to notify me every time someone comments!

This is why I stress that not only do you check your email once a day, but if you can, set it up so your phone will notify you every time you get another email.

Well guys I know this was a short blog but I don't want to give my computer a virus! Hah, its a joke because I'm sick and... yeah it wasn't funny I know....

Words of the wise: don't let a sick 19 year old work a toaster...

1 comment:

  1. I've found that it's very important to check my school e-mail on a daily basis, thank god for e-mail on my blackberry! It's the fastest way to stay in contact with professors and classmates.
