Thursday, December 16, 2010

5.5 hour break

Hey guys so today I have two of my finals- Principals of Finance and Ethics. What that means is I have a 5 and a half hour break between my classes. So today I'll be sitting in the library watching southpark.

It's such an amazing thing that berkeley college has free wifi for its students and pretty comfy couches located throughout the building. Otherwise I'd have to use a desktop computer and I just don't find sitting at a desk all too appealing in comparison to lounging on a comfy couch.

On more academic levels I finished my principals of finance final today and I think I did really good! The only question I wasn't too sure on was one involving IRR. In truth, I wasn't too sure what IRR even was. However, after trying a bunch of different formulas and equations I think I got how to solve the problem!

I also got my research paper back from Principals of finance and I got an A-. I'd tell you why I got the minus but I haven't the fondest notion because he didn't write any comments on my paper.

Personally I can't stand when professors do that because I almost feel as if they didn't read my report. Nonetheless, he said if I ever needed any help in the subject to feel free to bother him so I''m sure he wont mind if I ask him about that minus.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

An interesting Email

Hey guys, I just checked my Berkeley College email and received a rather interesting email.

"Dear Honors Students,

In recognition of the outstanding academic achievement that acceptance into the Berkeley College Honor Society represents, each of you who is registered for HON200 in the Winter Quarter, beginning January 2011, will receive an iPad as a gift from the College. The leather binding of the iPad will be embossed with the words Berkeley College Honors.

The iPad will be used extensively through the Honors Seminars as a way to surf the internet, to read electronic texts, to keep a journal and even to develop the components of a portfolio that will track your learning in a very personal way.

Please note that the iPad will be offered only to those students registered in the program.


Dr. William Cipolla

Director, Honors Program"

I just figured I'd post this. Do good in Berkeley college and get a free ipad! I think you need a 3.8 GPA after a year enrollment in order to be accepted and get your free ipad. I remember filling out the paperwork and whatnot but I didn't think I'd be accepted. I definitely didn't think I'd get a free ipad out of it.

Almost the final week

Hey guys so we're almost at the final week of this loooovely journey of Fall'10. I'd like to thank everyone out there who emailed me and told me to keep at it, and wished me luck. I'm proud to say I think I've done just fine this quarter and will continue my academic learnings and what not.

I've given in my Principals of Finance report that was a whopping 20 pages-- all of which was written in one night. Totally not a good idea. So, now all I have to do is prepare for the onslaught of finals. I know my Principal of Finance final is in a week from today, and the other two classes I haven't the fondest notion. That's probably not a good thing.

I suppose i'll find out when my law final is in an hour or so. You know, I really am going to miss these two hour breaks, which I spend typing away on my laptop. At first, I found it a tad awkward not knowing where to go or what to do but after you get in the cycle of doing it twice a week everything just seems to fall into place.

So far all of those who hate their schedules, don't worry you'll get into the habit of it sooner or later.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Phone-less for a day

I always knew I depended on technology for a lot of things. I mean, I bring me laptop to school everyday, I check my email like 4 times a day, I don't even bring one book to school because every textbook I have is on my computer, and I haven't taken notes by hand since sophomore year in high school- and chances are the note taking was none too frequent.

However, I figured I'd be able to survive without my cell phone for the day- but I am finding it very hard. Even as I write these words i'm wishing I had my iphone 4 with me because it carries all of my music. Instead I find myself listening to the dull hum of the computers next to me and my own constant typing. Yet as odd and naked I feel without my beloved iphone I must say that being 'unplugged' from technology seems to make me more creative, and more sociable.

I mean, as I write these very words and listen to the cacophony of sounds idly I can't help but feel inspired to zone out through my writing. Yet I'm not quite sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, have I become so dependent on music and other singular forms of socializing that I need to escape into my written world of stories in order to cope with reality? That's probably just the novelist in me talking.

Regardless, I must say Berkeley college has given me the means to write a story as I have found a nice nook within the A building. Wish me luck guys, I don't even know what I want to write about- but I'll keep you posted.

Words of the wise: Listening to nothing lets you hear yourself.