Friday, May 28, 2010

A rant of mild importance

A few of my reader have commented on my ending words of the wise, and actually enjoy that best! So after some thought I decided that I would deter away from the classic purpose of this blog and go into a mild rant on a concept that affects every high school and adult mind alike- love. Typically I would break into song but I'll save my antics for a later blog.

I must stress I'm talking about that 'boy meets girl love', not unconditional parental love. As a
quick note, all hopeless romantics don't bother even reading this, you'll hate me by the end of it.

To start, I do not believe in love in its infinite form rather I find that it is a state of mind. When two people 'fall in love' they can just as easily fall out of it. There is no such thing as soul mates in turn, people say these things to reassure them that they have made the right decision in who they chose to consummate with. Now, let me stop making claims and back some of this lovely information up.

When I was a child I had my first boyfriend named Rob. We were only 12 and the relationship was never more than holding hands and talking on the phone all night but I suppose it was a feat for two 12/13 year olds to stay interested for 6 months. However, after those 6 months finished we decided it simply wasn't working out and we mutually broke up, or so I thought. Within the next 3 years I had kept in contact with Rob as we talked on the phone and he began taking a rocky path of drugs and alcohol. I'm not sure how many times he called me to proclaim his love, to tell me "a drunk mind speaks a sober heart", but each time I shrugged it off. In his mind I was his soul mate, his one and only he would go back to no matter what. Sadly he died later on from those drugs he used to 'fill the void'.

Lets say for a second soul mates are real, if so was Rob simply suppose to die and leave his actual soul mate alone for the rest of her life? Furthermore, why would 'God' do that? Punishing one innocent for the mistakes of another. What if they were both dead, was that some predestined design set forth to make sure they don't enter an unrequited loveless relationship? If predestination does exist, which it would have to in order to make the soulmate theory exist, then that would mean every action in your life is set forth and free will is a worthless illusion.

I like my free will too much! The rebuttal is then that you CAN meet your soul mate its just a matter of if you will- only a small percentage of the population will. I find this to be straight up horse poopy! The people who preach this are just trying to have something rare and nearly unachievable in my opinion...

So I figured every friday will be a new section since this rant has gotten a tad long. Until next time readers- LOVE YA!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Midterms are done

Hello guys, I know its been awhile but I've been super busy with classes and even more so with my personal life. Lately I feel like being single is more work then any relationship ever was. But I digress, the next blog I do will be about my personal relationships for all you lovely nosy reader out there.

Major news class wise, I go my business law midterm back and I am proud to say I got 3 points above the top score. So the lesson learned is when you think you can only get a 100, think again if you're super smart like me! I know, I'm insanely full of myself at times. Regardless, the test consisted of 8 short response questions and I apparently went into such intense detail I gained extra points. In comparison with the other students it was a super win because I saw people receiving 28's as in 28 out of 100. Given the average wasn't so good so a 50-80 was considered a B.

Outside of this amazing achievement, I've finished taking all other midterms which included Microeconomics, and Art in Contemporary Society. Microeconomics wasn't too bad it was 5 short response questions which resulted in about 5 1/2 pages. I've yet to receive my grade but I'm sure I passed seeing as there was no one question where I knew not the answer. Art however, I blanked out on 2 or the 14 questions.

The art midterm was simplistic enough, typically because John Borba had asked us to define the words beforehand and drilled them into us from day one. However when he drew a tri-circled diagram with an A S and an R (I think) and then asked us what each letter meant I dropped my pen down and laughed. I never even saw such a diagram before.

Regardless as the grades come in I'll tell ya how I did.

Words of the amazing: It's not running from your problems, its a strategic escape!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hell week

For all those currently attending Berkeley college, you know this is only the first hell week we must hurdle over. The second being at the end of June...I think. Regardless what I am about to rant to you on is-Midterms- *DUN DUN DUN*. Yeah, I decided to add sound effects, and if anyone has a problem with my childish style *sticks tongue out*.

BUT I DIGRESS, as I do so often, from Monday on my day has been riddled with furious writing, and research. To start, Monday I had my business law midterm which I think I did fairly well on. The best part of it by far was when I finished I handed it to Richard Leverson.

"Are you sure you're done?" He asked.
Tiredly I did respond, "My hand hurts, yeah I'm sure"

The test was an open book (open laptop for me) short response exam with a total of 8 questions. Personally I've always been a fan of short response questions since I find that you can maneuver your way around them even if you don't know the complete answer. However in this test I saw no need to avoid directly answering the question- my notes held the answer. The only question I was 100% sure on was one which asked what the 10th amendments purpose was. So with a quick google search I pulled up the 10th amendment Copied it into my notes, and proceeded to decipher its intellectual jargon. This is not cheating, it's simply using my resources wisely.

Outside of Business Law, I also had my microeconomics report due. Sometimes I truly wish I didn't always wait until last minute to rush and do reports. That monday I stood up into the wee hours of tuesday morning tying all loose ends together and create my 23 page report on Apple. By the gods, that project consumed so much of my time I understand why he told us about it on day one. I only wish I would have started it then to, because when I got to class that tuesday I was half asleep and could not think straight.

The only class left in which I have to take a midterm in is Art in Contemporary Society. John Borba, the teacher, swears it's an easy test but I'm skeptical. The one think I know for sure is "A two word definition for art is Aesthetic Invention".

As for a slight divulgement into my personal life... I go into that in the next blog. After all, I much rather catch up on that missed sleep.

Todays words of the wise owl aka me: Always be apprehensive to jump into unknown waters, but never stay on land forever.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

By far the most interesting Art in Contemporary society class. A picture of a naked 'woman' is seen and loads of questions are raised. The next thing I know the Professor is screaming out facts of sex. I know not if these facts are true but according to Borba men think about sex every 20 seconds, and women every 40 seconds. I'd love to call this sheer contemporary Freudian garbage, but I find it to be true- much like the rest of freudian ideas.

In reality these were not simply pictures of naked women, rather they were paintings of muses and other inspirational characters. However, the unanimous reaction to it was quite childish and hilarious. The conversation then to another turn when we began talking about Eten Arcadia Ego which could be interpreted to mean "Death is also apart of paradise". What this latin phrase really means is that life is not simply about the ecstatics of this world- death is a phase which is apart of our life.

After that in-depth conversation I left my lovely art class rather bored yet self intrigued next on the wonderful list of activities English. I know I haven't talked about this class as much as I should- normally I tend to rant on my story at the thought of the subject. However, today I'll choose to be a good little blogger and remain on topic as I talk about my dreary school day. English was boring, utterly pointless and boring. I wish I could say I learned something, that some interesting conversation-however off topic- had enlightened me on some different views, but no such thing happened.

In class we went about taking a simplistic quiz, and then talked about sentence fragments and comma splicing. For me this was insulting. I know well enough when a sentence is finished, where a comma should be added and blah. Do review this in anything but an english 1 class is just horrible. But I shall survive, for as long as I know how to write I know I'll stay alive... ok, I'm done.

On a brighter note I'd like to dedicate this post to Jason, the person who commented on my last blog. It means a lot to me to know someone out there is reading all of this! Though I feel like this blog is all to mundane so I've decided to spice it up with an excerpt from my first story. If you like it please tell me and I'll begin posing pages up with my rantings.

The following is the main character ranting on society.

"They were all grey-scale creatures unaware of their own lives; they knew not their true value and lack of purpose within this world. These drones were worse than the computers they associated with and created, because even though those computers may have been void of all emotion, unlike these useless creatures, they existed with a purpose and a function. The mechanics of this world was based on the will of a useless being, which created arbitrary things. But at least those creations hadn’t a choice to survive, unlike their creator. These trivial creatures chose to live in this self-created degrading society. They chose to be the cogs of the arbitrary clock in this hell. I was not one of these nobodies, I couldn’t be one of them; I had a place, a place and purpose outside of the grey. With sad eyes I looked around at the bland world around me. I felt as if I was drowning in the normality, the schedules, and the purposeless activities. With a sad sigh I realized the workings of this bleak and unimaginative society would be my demise."

And for today's words of the wise: Love is not the disease that plagues us, rather it is the cure for our teenage boredom.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, I know it's odd for me to blow my own horn but since its now a day AFTER my birthday I figured why not. I am officially 19 and one day old! For those of you wondering, yes my birthday was on Mother's day which in truth kind of sucks because I had to work and didn't really do anything. I was sad about it for a fair amount of time because I'm single, lost contact with a close friend, and my close family was leaving to go to my grandmother's (for mother's day)- all the while I was at work where I didn't even receive a "Happy Birthday". So, to start off, yes I was alone for my birthday, but I made the best of it.

After work, around 7ish PM I decided to take a trip out to my favorite Pizzeria of all time- Original Pizza- and get a chicken caesar salad pizza and a bottle of water. Although it may sound odd, it was rather relaxing sitting alone that day, and with my little black book of stories I decide to scribble a few words down.

Alone for never, home together

Let us elope, they'll find us here

Fire lights the coldest corner

Giving an alluring atmosphere

Climb to the top of the highest spire

To feel the wind in you hair

You feel alive when you're rushing down

Your hands my heart-- we'll disappear.

It's unnamed and I know not what it is exactly but I see it as a selective few words I chose to jot down. As the words suggest I was not completely ok with the alone aspect until I received a lovely call from a good friend of mine who told me they just heard the most amazing song that defined me, I asked 'what?' and he proceeded to serenade me with "Happy Birthday to you..". Yes, it was cheesy but it made me smile to no end and I truly did need that. So, I dedicate this blog to my good friend, and 'not-so-secret crush' who shall remain nameless so I do not incriminate myself.

In other news Mideterms are coming up and with them loads of work that I should be doing. I have a report due for Economics on the 18th, a midterm for Business Law on the 17th, an essay in English due tomorrow, and three art essays due... I know not. I am SWAMPED! I'll survive though, just means I have to cut back on that leisurely writing, no more staring into space, and definitely no more video games of amazingness. I'll return to those dastardly actions in about a week or so when all the rush is over.

In weak relation, iphone OS 4 looks absolutely amazing! I mean, it's so utterly beautiful, and I hear Apple made the chip itself! Does this mean intel will be obsolete soon in Apple Computers? Regardless, dual application usage makes the ipad significantly better and makes me desperately want the newest iphone that is theorized to come out. I embrace my nerdiness, on a side note this is relevant to the before stated school topic because I choose to do Apple as my project in Economics. So I will most definitely be posting more APPLE IS AMAZING propaganda.

For today words of the wise 19 year old Jessica: Live in the now, because there is no definite future.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bad day yesterday,

Hello guys, so yesterday was Cinco De Mayo and I was ecstatic seeing as my friend throws a party for it every year since his middle name is Cyncro and he believes it to be his holiday. Regardless it was all suppose to be so much fun and when it was at first! We went out to Fridays, had lots of candy, we all wore out Power rangers shirts (I was red!), and everything seemed to be going good. Then, it started getting late and BAM psycho parental is calling me like crazy. To all international students... You guys are lucky.

I shouldn't say that, I love my family but in truth 21 missed calls later I wanted to die just a little... Only bright side about it was school for me finishes early on wednesday so I did have a decent amount of time to spend with my friends. I only wish I didn't have to deal with Nazi parents breathing down my neck for no apparent reason... *growls at computer*...
Heh, I figured I'd warn you this time...

So, in Economics today I was still fairly bummed out about the whole parental issues I am currently battling and has become the quiet brooding chick I started out on day one as. To say the least its not very fun when I'm in the mode. However, about 10-20 minutes into the class my 'friend' asks to borrow my laptop, with a shrug I say sure. One glance later and we are in a full out commentary about World of Warcraft. Somehow we started talking about the economies within the servers and my teacher was wondering why people would play a game so confusing. My only response was, "It's easy really..."

After that lovely conversation everything seemed a little better, who knew economics would be my favorite class... In truth I just love the way its so comfortable and free. I have a decent conversation with someone every time I go into that class- I enjoy it! Although I have a project for said class which I should PROBABLY be doing right now. I do well under pressure though ^.^.

Todays words of advice run deep within me today, I thought about it last night and its been playing in my head.

If someone you know is bothersome and a burden to you why bother including yourself in that persons life- especially if they are happy? The purpose of life is to be happy where you are, no matter where that maybe. However, human nature is to divulge itself in misery. Just like in
economics where scarcity exists because we have unlimited wants, I think problematic situation are ever so similar to this concept.

Ok, so those weren't words it was more like a rant so the ACTUAL WORDS OF THE WISE ARE: Hold on to happiness but embrace misfortune, because with it you'll fully understand the beauty of the world around you.