Friday, October 29, 2010

Spark of inspiration

Well, I know I don't usually post on Fridays and this late but I felt a need to talk about my latest spark of inspiration. Today I sat down and wrote a 7 page short story in about an hour and I must say, I very proud of myself. The problem is, what should I do with it? I would really like to give it to someone to read but I find that friends will only say "wow it's really good." Even teachers say that to me now and I find it rather irritating.

So I ask all readers who have an interest in English to leave a comment with there email if they would like to read it a review it. I think it would be a great idea to get a real peer review outside of school, so I hope everyone out there is willing to help.

The story is written in third person narration and is a conversation between Jane, Mary, and Daniel. It's in medias res, so there is no strict introduction in that sense. I personally think it adds more to the story. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Oh, by the way the entire think is about love and my personal ideas behind it.

Words of the wise: There are always people who wish to help its just a matter of finding them and asking.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 5

So we're nearing the half way point of our studies for this semester meaning the next week is going to be filled we lots and lots of midterms. I mean, between studying for Business law II and principals of Finance, I'm struggling to finish my final report that is due by Sunday for my online Ethics course.

That's the bad thing about doing an accelerated course before you know it it's over. Though I have gotten most of it done! All that I need to do is add a conclusion and create the bibliography page.

On that same note I am extraordinarily happy to say that I received a 100 on my last exam in that class meaning that as long as I get a B on this project and a 85 on the final test I will be getting my lovely A. Whew, I thought I might have to settle for less than perfection in this class but it seems that online courses are in fact a strength of mine.

I know this is a short post guys but I don't want to be late for ethics (the one that's not online).
I leave you with these wise words: Never settle for anything less than what you're worth.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


By far my favorite holiday ever, is halloween. There's just something about dressing up and acting like an idiot that i find appealing. Although normally I try and mix beauty with terror this year I decided I was going to be the most gruesome creature I could create. I'm a zombie.

Now most people just but a nice costume for a fair price but not me- I make my own costumes. So even though I saw a pretty decent zombie costume with tattered clothes and a skeleton mask, I took the more expensive route and bought a load of supplies.

Liquid latex, prosthetic gores, pints of blood, and a pair of scissors destroying and outfit. It was all worth it for the response I got out of my Girl Scout troop at the annual halloween party. Everyone kept telling me how I "didn't look like Jessica" I suppose zombification really does that to you.

I made the costume and applied everything myself and I must say it was not easy. I mean, my bathroom looked like a murder scene by the time I was ready.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is the financial crisis of 2009 a business ethics scandal?

So my online course has recently handed out the project for the course. It irked me a bit that she didn't tell us more in advance and she left most of the class in bewilderment because no one knew where to find the information on the project. Eventually we found it in week four's welcoming notes, and quickly we began to discuss it on the discussion board.

Most people are choosing to write about the Enron case because it is by far the biggest and most well-known business scandal case. However, outside of that what other cases are there? I mean there are none so publicized that research is a matter of typing a word in google.

Being the rather difficult student I am I decided to enter more 'maybe' territories and argue that the financial crisis of 2009 was caused by a ethics scandal within banks. The fact that banks were giving out loans to people they knew couldn't pay them was morally wrong and because of those actions the stock market took a major hit.

What do you guys think about this topic? Green or Red light?

Words of the wise: Its always more fun to play in the gray but it may not be the wisest decision for your grade.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

MTA makes me Angryface a lot

Does anyone ever wonder why the MTA is allowed to be a monopoly when their are so many antitrust and antimonopoly laws in our society. Can anyone really argue that the MTA is not a monopoly in New York? The public has no other option but to take the fair hikes and just pay them but its starting to get unrealistic!

I remember when the bus fair was $1.50 and it stayed that way all throughout my childhood, but now they want to raise it from $2.25 to $2.50. Although it may seem like a barely significant change it becomes quite noticeable when you look at the fair increase in monthly metrocards- a favorite of college students.

Monthly metrocards will be jumping from $89 to $104 a high increase for the already broke college students paying $25,000 tuition a year. Not to mention they've been cutting services left and right. buses that used to come every 7 minutes come 4 times an hour and usually all at once. Trains don't seem to ever run on weekends, and even on weekdays I normally have to deal with a train being over crowded because they cut back on the service.

Why is it that they cut services and ask us to pay more. Does anyone understand how a company can ask us to pay more for less of a good? I believe the MTA needs to be regulated by the state as a state program of transportation NOT a business.

I mean, we're constantly being told to help the environment, and unclog the city by using public transportation, but they're making traveling rather irritating. Not to mention they keep raising toll prices, which makes it hard to get into the city at all.

The MTA is a monopoly, which is allowed to exist because it was given the 'OK', but because it's ran as a business its filled with crooked higher-ups who give themselves raises freely and raise the fare of their irked subjects who are forced to pay.

Explain to me how this is productive to our environment? I would love to hear what you guys think.

Words of the wise college girl: If the MTA continues this way find a way to sleep in your first class so you'll get there in time.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Zumba and Scrabble

Hey guys so, for once I'm actually posting from the comfort of my own home, and I just felt a dire need to mention how much I love Zumba.

Zumba is a fairly new workout class that involves a mixture of different dancing, though hip hop and latin seem to be most prominent, and I must say it doesn't feel like a workout. I genuinely feel like I'm just hanging out and dancing with a bunch of friends. Its so unlike most step classes where your eyes will dart occasionally to the clock. Zumba is like having a party where you just dance and have fun. Oh, and for the record the dances aren't the classic stretches that most aerobics classes call 'dancing'. In Zumba you are getting low and shaking you butt!

Although it may not feel like you are working out it is a great workout nonetheless. An hour of Zumba burns on average 600 calories. From experience it also makes you just feel better with all the movement and catchy songs its hard not to smile and laugh.

Outside of Zumba I have become re-addicted to my most beloved board game- Scrabble. over the last few days I've played 10 games online and haven't lost a single one. I was wondering if their are any other Berkeley College students that like scrabble, if so perhaps we can form a little group within the school. After all, their is club hour still.

Todays words of the wise 19 year old: Always bring water when going to the gym, and try not to get sweat in your eye... it hurts.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homework >.>

So, as many of you may know from previous blogs this was the semester I decided I was going to stop being a lazy procrastinator and do my work early- not on the date of the deadline. So far I think I'm doing pretty well, I'm ahead two assignments in Principals of Finance, and I haven't missed any assignments in any other class. I find that I even anticipated assignments before they come out because I'm eager to clear my plate so they wont get in the way.

It's all very odd because I find that this productivity has carried over to more than just school work. I have been going to the gym more often, keeping my room cleaner, and just doing everything in a more timely manner. Perhaps it is possible to change who you are with a little work. Well, not 'who you are', but definitely get rid of some bad habits.

My principals of finance teacher even told me I should look into majoring in finance because I'm so bright in the subject. personally I think he is confusing good work ethic with intellect. I still find that the only subject that comes naturally for me is law and due to such I should become a lawyer.

Regardless, I'm just proud to say I have tamed my procrastinating ways and that everyone else out there should do the same. in retrospective I'm kind of procrastinating right now instead of writing a 15 page paper that's due in a month from now. I suppose I'll never be perfect in the whole scheme of things.

Word of the wise: If you risk nothing, you risk even more.

Accelerated Courses

This semester I decided to not only take my first online course, but also my first accelerated course. An accelerated course last half the normal term but is worth the same amount of credits. However, it is said that the work is a lot harder because is tightly packed in all at once.

This being only the second week I have already taken 1 GHA, been required to write 8 discussion board posts(I wrote more than 8 though), handed in a 1-2 paged homework assignment, and read a total of 4 chapters. I must say in comparison to my regular ethics course it seems to be very fast paced.

The reason I bring up my regular ethics course is because the online accelerated course is business ethics and I find the two are closely related. So far in ethics all we've done is review the international declaration of human rights. Personally I find myself taking a shine to the fast paced online accelerated course because I enjoy doing my work when I am free, rather than attending a class every certain day at a set time.

Furthermore I find the discussion board to be my most favorite tool in all of blackboard because it forces students to interact and have a discussion about a posed question. I for one enjoy this because theirs no awkward pause like their is in class in, which the professor must mediate. Perhaps its because I'm a thriving girl who lives off of the computer age, but I love the ideas behind it.

Grade wise in the class I have gotten a 92 on my GHA, a 100 on by written assignment, and complete 4/4 on my discussion board posts. So with a positive view I hope that I can achieve my first A on an online course!

Todays words of the wise: "Life is what happens while your trying to please everyone else." John Lenin