Thursday, May 27, 2010

Midterms are done

Hello guys, I know its been awhile but I've been super busy with classes and even more so with my personal life. Lately I feel like being single is more work then any relationship ever was. But I digress, the next blog I do will be about my personal relationships for all you lovely nosy reader out there.

Major news class wise, I go my business law midterm back and I am proud to say I got 3 points above the top score. So the lesson learned is when you think you can only get a 100, think again if you're super smart like me! I know, I'm insanely full of myself at times. Regardless, the test consisted of 8 short response questions and I apparently went into such intense detail I gained extra points. In comparison with the other students it was a super win because I saw people receiving 28's as in 28 out of 100. Given the average wasn't so good so a 50-80 was considered a B.

Outside of this amazing achievement, I've finished taking all other midterms which included Microeconomics, and Art in Contemporary Society. Microeconomics wasn't too bad it was 5 short response questions which resulted in about 5 1/2 pages. I've yet to receive my grade but I'm sure I passed seeing as there was no one question where I knew not the answer. Art however, I blanked out on 2 or the 14 questions.

The art midterm was simplistic enough, typically because John Borba had asked us to define the words beforehand and drilled them into us from day one. However when he drew a tri-circled diagram with an A S and an R (I think) and then asked us what each letter meant I dropped my pen down and laughed. I never even saw such a diagram before.

Regardless as the grades come in I'll tell ya how I did.

Words of the amazing: It's not running from your problems, its a strategic escape!

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