Thursday, December 2, 2010

Phone-less for a day

I always knew I depended on technology for a lot of things. I mean, I bring me laptop to school everyday, I check my email like 4 times a day, I don't even bring one book to school because every textbook I have is on my computer, and I haven't taken notes by hand since sophomore year in high school- and chances are the note taking was none too frequent.

However, I figured I'd be able to survive without my cell phone for the day- but I am finding it very hard. Even as I write these words i'm wishing I had my iphone 4 with me because it carries all of my music. Instead I find myself listening to the dull hum of the computers next to me and my own constant typing. Yet as odd and naked I feel without my beloved iphone I must say that being 'unplugged' from technology seems to make me more creative, and more sociable.

I mean, as I write these very words and listen to the cacophony of sounds idly I can't help but feel inspired to zone out through my writing. Yet I'm not quite sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, have I become so dependent on music and other singular forms of socializing that I need to escape into my written world of stories in order to cope with reality? That's probably just the novelist in me talking.

Regardless, I must say Berkeley college has given me the means to write a story as I have found a nice nook within the A building. Wish me luck guys, I don't even know what I want to write about- but I'll keep you posted.

Words of the wise: Listening to nothing lets you hear yourself.

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