Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Online course

So, as I told you last week I decided that I would be taking an online course so I can have a total of 16 credits. Well, I have chosen my online course to be- Statistics! I guess a little background information is needed in order to convey my opinions on Mathematics. I haven't taken a math course since Junior year of high school, and that math course was Pre-calculous which I barely attended. I have always leaned more towards english then Math because I find math to be too finite. I mean, I can manipulate a mathematical answer. The answer is either right of wrong no real partial credit there.

My brother, however, is an electrical engineer and a genius in mathematics! He has always used me to check his english papers and reports, and the boasted on solving a mathematical problem that take on average 3 sheets of paper. "You derive the from and " is all I ever really hear when he goes on his "I'm a mathematical genius" rants. HOWEVER, I admit my mathematical skills are...Lacking, and since it will be an online course perhaps I can do the work while my brother is there so he can explain everything in-depth. After all he took statistics and such in High School... I chose AP English and AP history instead.

Todays words of the wise: Play nice with smart folk, they're an amazing asset.

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