Tuesday, November 9, 2010

redbull, and midterms!

Hey everybody out there in interwebz land!

Ok, so I'm typing to you on a redbull high and having just finished my Principals of finance midterm. Probably wasn't the brightest idea because I wrote so much extra information I had to ask for an extra book half way through. Sad part is I didn't know ANYTHING on one of the questions and I couldn't even pretend to know it. I managed to guess 3 out of 5 of the elements of the question but on the other two I just gave up. Hopefully partial credit will at least get me a B on this midterm.

So, as stated previously I'm on a redbull high! yes, I've drank 2 medium (12 fl) redbulls and it's not even 10:00AM. In fact, I probably drank them before 9:30. BUT I DIGRESS!

In really really really REALLY good news, my business law class posted the midterm grades and I got a brilliant A in the class. Can I get a w00t w00t? Ok, I should attempt to calm down because some of you probably think I'm insane as is, but I assure you there is a thin line between insanity and genius... I walk that line!

In other news, I would like to offer you all the greatest studying tool in the whole wide UNIVERSE! You probably already use it, but I assure you you don't to its full potential. Acronyms! For my law exam I made a bunch of acronyms in order to remember the lengthy amount of information it required me to. For example- CLOC is an acronym for the elements of a contract. Consideration, Legal Purpose, Offer and Acceptance, and Competency. Another one I made up for Law was for the elements of Fraud. KIRD- Knowledge, Intent, Reliance, and Damages.

If you can't form a word out of them you could always create a sentence to remember it. Remember, from elementary school, how you learned the 9 planets in our system? My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. Though, Pluto is no longer a planet... I suppose it should go My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos... I blame the RedBull...

Today's words of the wise 19 year old: Never over think anything, you have one life to live waste it DOING things, not THINKING of what you COULD do. Though I'm sure these words can be turned obviously against me.

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